This summer’s Tamashii Nation’s event is in full swing this weekend. We popped over to Akiba yesterday to check it out and naturally took a bunch of pictures in the process. In addition to the reveal of all manner of new toys, there were some other aspects worth mentioning. The first being that a variety of older web shop exclusive toys were given a limited re-release. Doors opened for that at 1pm and as you’d imagine the entire stock sold out lightning fast. The second thing was that the DX YF-30 Chronos had a hands-on section of the event. We played with the upcoming toy and were very impressed. There’s a lot of diecast in it and the detailing is great. The missile pod is also detachable and the head antenna are made of soft plastic. The only minor gripe is that the tail fins are only connected via one point of contact and feel a little flimsy. In addition, if you filled in a questionnaire you got given a 1UP Mushroom from Mario, foreshadowing their Mario release later this month. The big news for us was the Robot Damashii Dragonar and Blue Destiny figures, as well as getting to see the new Layzner Mk2 up close (it’s very nice). Anyway, all our pictures are after the link so enjoy!