News: Super Robot Wars Z 2 Update
Posted on : 02-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
Over at Famitsu’s site, they’ve uploaded a bunch of new screenshots for Super Robot Wars Z 2. Again, everything is looking shiny we’re happy to see Getter 2 literally tearing an enemy a new one (shown above). It also seems that the previous game on the PS2 will be receiving a re-release under the “Best” label, with a suitably reduced price. In any case, the new PSP game looks to make its April 14th release and you can pre-order it here (or here if you’re in Europe).

Great News So far about Z2
[…] tre giorni. Informazioni che arrivano da Mechadamashi rivelano come la Bandai abbia deciso di rieditare nella categoria “Best”, categoria più economica, il videogioco per Playstation 2, […]