News: Mobile Suit Gundam Online Second Alpha Test Details
Posted on : 30-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PC
A second alpha test for the upcoming Mobile Suit Gundam Online has been announced and outline over at 4Gamer. Set within the caves and jungles of Jaburo, players will have access to 6 new mobile suits as well. Whilst you can’t sign-up for the new alpha as yet, the report says that the official site will afford this sometime soon. It’s still looking pretty solid but what with the newly announced Gundam Battle Operation already undergoing it’s first closed beta, it will be interesting see how this visually bland version will fare.

What way could we even find out whether we made the beta or not?
If you didn’t receive an e-mail yesterday then you’ve not been chosen.
The e-mail contained a product code to download the beta basically.
Thanks for that information, checked my Gmail and sure enough in Japanese I had a code , wish me luck guys .
The closed beta finishes today.
could be why servers are hard to find ……
oh man, i forgot this other game even existed. I wonder why Bandai decided to OK both games’ development. One seems way more casual than the other but still.. it seems like they are stepping on each other’s toes ya know
Well , my experience was not rewarding. I spent 3 hours downloading the client. figured out the menus , then launched the server search , no one online waiting for 2 hours trying to get a room and session.
Opted to wait for evening and found 3 players and one was afk . So no game , figured out it has lobby chat and mic support. Hopefully will have better luck on test 2 .