News: Masou Kishin III Valsione Bonus
Posted on : 14-05-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita
In the upcoming Masou Kishin III players will be given a special bonus code in the initial run of the game. This will give a different version of Valsione as seen in the Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector anime series. This is not to be confused with Valsione R, which is a different mecha entirely. However, this redesign from the anime will have different attacks and animations from the standard Valsione (so it’s not just a simple re-skin). As always, these kind of little bonuses appeal to us and we’ll be definitely nabbing the game come its August 22nd release.

Shouldn’t it technically be weaker, too, since Ryune gets Valsione R when they’re all summoned to Lan Gran before LoE Part 2?
Probably, but I don’t think that really happens anymore in SRW – as you can make pretty much anything uber.