News: Macross Delta Scramble Announced
Posted on : 20-07-2016 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Vita
It seems that Artdink are still with us and will be making the PS Vita exclusive Macross Delta Scramble to released on October 20th. Now, for those with a good memory Artdink came to mecha gaming prominence with the Gundam Battle series on PSP. They then shifted over to Macross on the PSP, with the likes of Macross Triangle Frontier being one of my favorite games on the system. Then after several BluRay Hybrid games for Macross Frontier and Do You Remember Love? we got a full-blown “flight action RPG” in the form of Macross 30. While fun it was technically quite limited and in that sense I am happy to see Macross Delta get the Vita treatment.
The game will cover the first 13 episodes of the series and will also feature guest characters from other Macross shows. The Delta focus makes sense, as Vita games require more asset work than PSP games do. The result being you can’t feature every variable fighter in existence, which is something Artdink’s Macross games did a pretty good job of. The game will also come as a standard or limited edition. The main difference between the two looks to be the number of featured songs, with the limited edition having 50 songs over the standard’s more minimal 20. Pre-orders for the game aren’t up yet but will be soon at places like Play Asia.