News: Macross 30 Mission Structure Update
Posted on : 05-12-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
In addition to the YF-30 reveal, it seems that Macross 30 will also have a more open ended mission structure too. Over at 4Gamer they give more detail on how players will effectively find quests in levels and then undertake them. Like the previous Artdink Macross games, you’ll also have a hangar where you can prepare and outfit your various variable fighters. Interestingly, it seems that we’ll also have a lot of choice of units (though likely not as much as the last PSP game). On top of all this, there will be some new characters created for the game as well. As for that limited edition YF-29, it’s nothing overly special and is actually more than a little bit hideous. Considering that the game has been described as a “flight action RPG”, we now have a better idea of what that means. Whilst it won’t be open world, in the Western sense, the whole setup sounds pretty damn cool really. The game is still set for its February 28th release next year and you can pre-order the standard edition here.

RT @mechadamashii: News: Macross 30 Mission Structure Update:
RT @mechadamashii: News: Macross 30 Mission Structure Update:
Sounds pretty nice, Kotaku said you could wander around the world.
In each area, yeah, but it’s not like GTA. It’s apparently a lot more localised.
It would take a massive amount of console horsepower and high-speed memory to sandbox and stream an entire planet and its environs in real-time, apparently.
Indeed and you sound like a dev, in which case you’re in good company 🙂
I think that goes without saying.
Nevertheless, this game seems to take its design cues from the likes of Monster Hunter or Solatorobo which are excellent Japanese style “sandboxes”. I have high hopes for this one.