News: Heavy Gear Assault Kickstarter Cancelled
Posted on : 28-06-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PC
Whilst we haven’t talked much about Heavy Gear Assault, much of that was down to the fact its Kickstarter has been somewhat of a car crash. So much so that it missed its asking price by such a wide-margin they’ve now resorted to crowd sourced funds via their website. Interestingly, the latter option seems to be netting them more cash so that’s good at least. Personally, we want nothing but this game to get properly funded. These guys really seem to get Heavy Gear and it would be a shame if they weren’t able to bring this project to fruition. So get out your wallets and support them as best you can.

Well, Kickstarter isn’t the perfect solution for everybody. It’s good to see them getting funding.
Do you think you’ll do a formal review of the Heavy Gear games?
Well, it’s understandable that their website has accumulated more than the kickstarter since it has been around long before the kickstarter page was even posted.