News: Heavy Gear Assault Interview
Posted on : 14-12-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PC
Over at Joystiq they have an interview with Vince McMullin, a producer at Stompy Bot. If you remember, this was the studio that was making the new Heavy Gear Assault game for PC. Despite what they term as a crowdfunding “disaster”, though we think that’s a tad melodramatic in terms of analysis, it seems the game is still being made. So much so that we have some alpha build footage available (shown below).
Now this is using Unreal Engine 4 and I don’t want to be overly unkind, as this is an alpha build, but the game looks like total arse. Art fidelity aside, games like Project HON are clearly doing more functionally than this is. Even the already available Armored Core V and Verdict Day are more engaging than what this looks to be like.
We may be jumping the gun a bit but from what we’re seeing, it doesn’t look that great to play. Though we’ll reserve judgement until the game is finally released and hopefully by then they will have pushed the engine a bit more too.

Hmm, looks like skating isn’t implemented yet. It’s not Heavy Gear without that Votom’s style skating.
I can confirm that SMS “Skating” is implemented 🙂
As far as the fidelity and attractiveness of the game, UE4 is beautiful and the Gears look and animate great. The biggest cosmetic weakness of the game is the textures which are place holder. I think the assessment that other games are “doing more” is premature, as the engineering is still being done for 90% of the actual features XD
Let me get this straight. You are comparing Project HON’s matinee non-playable to HGA’s playable alpha. How does Project HON – which is a MOVIE on a phone – have MORE functionality than HGA? Can you share some of the sweet Asian crack?
HGA looks gorgeous in-game. The trailer didn’t do them justice. I hope they release more material and you’ll give them a better review then.
Well you’re from MekTek, so you’re hardly unbiased.
That aside, I was referring to the PC version of Project HON and the functionality it showed. Heavy Gear Assault looks a lot more basic in comparison, even to already released games I should add (with Armored Core V and Verdict Day being notable).
Like I said, I’ll happily reserve judgement until the final game is released but that Alpha build trailer hardly filled me with confidence.
Looks very rough/early. Reserving judgement, hopefully they improve it.
HG1 has very beautiful music, hope HGA won’t be spoiled by dubstep or whatever.
So much for reserving judgment when you’ve already stated it looks like shit, and not much fun to play. Morons like you writing about anything related to gaming, are the reason why no gamer worth his tittle would bother looking to you for guidance.
On what I am seeing based on my experience as a gamer and developer, it doesn’t by any means impress me (more the functionality than the graphics to be fair). However, like I said, I will reserve judgement until the game is finished and released,
It’s good not to jump the gun on these things because there’s a reason it’s called an alpha. All games must start like this.