News: Gundam Musou 3 DLC to feature the Cherudim Gundam
Posted on : 07-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
On the 9th February, another mobile suit will be added to the ranks of Gundam Musou 3. Specifically that of the GN-006 Cherudim Gundam from the second season of Gundam 00. The Cherdudim was also the upgraded version of the GN-002 Gundam Dynames, though with a new pilot that happened to share the same name (long story). 4Gamer has some nice shots of the new playable mecha too. In terms of pricing the DLC will cost 600 yen (PS3) and 480 MSP (360).

I guess asking for the Shining Gundam was a little too much. 🙁 Still I’m happy with more 00 suits.
6 bucks for a suit that should’ve been in there anyway?
The hell?
I think it’s too expensive for just one mobile suit -.-‘
Do you know anything about an US release?
It does appear to have been announced for a US release, according to Kotaku and Gamespot. The projected release is the summer, with no word on DLC or anything of that nature, but yes, it is coming.
A machine translation of 4gamer seems to say there is a mission attached that introduces the Cherudim and Lockon Stratos, and previous DLC packs had more content than just a new mobile suit. I don’t know for sure, but I’m going to guess that this particular piece of DLC is going to have more than just the Cherudim, but it’s going to have to be much more than just a single mission to make it worth the money.
The Cherudim itself is such an odd choice for a new mobile suit. The second Lockon isn’t nearly as interesting as the first, and using a sniper unit in a game based around close-ranged combat sounds clunky at best. It does seem like the Shield Bits figure into the attacks according to the screenshots, so hopefully they can do something with those that will make this different from every other Gundam with a beam saber.
The second Lockon is more capable in close combat than the first, so that probably helps. In the series you see him use the pistols as a kind of blocking tool in melee, so maybe he kinda smacks people with them. I really don’t know, but if the Wing Zero has managed to not be problematic, I don’t know how this unit would be.
Wing Zero would never be problematic in a melee based game. While its most iconic weapons are the twin buster rifles, it is the beam saber that gets the most action.
But, the significant majority of its charge and musou attacks are twin buster rifle based. All I’m saying is the Cherudim has good opportunity to be creatively programmed, and even if it is pretty basic and heavily range focused, it should not feel awkward.
No unit would have problems short something like the Guntank, which has (almost) literally no melee capability. Heck, even the Zaku Tank is playable (for true masochists and achievement seekers, only).
^_^ 00 units are always welcome in my book.
Cherudim does not even have any beam sabres or what so ever! He only has his pistols(which do have a sharp side.)