News: Gundam Extreme Versus Second DLC
Posted on : 01-01-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
The second batch of DLC for Gundam Extreme Versus has been updated over at the official site. Featuring both the ZMT-S33S Gottrlatan and the PMX-003 The O (picture above). Each mobile suit will cost 500 yen each but the additional trial missions will be free to download, as per the first pack. We’ve been playing the game quite extensively in the arcades in Japan as well and we can vouch for the fact that the PS3 “port” is pretty much identical in every way (especially if you have a good arcade stick to hand). Admittedly the arcade version allows you to pimp your HUD out as well as other similarly superficial customisations, but the game itself looks and plays the same. It’s thanks to this that we’ve had a pretty long win streak, as our skills developed at home have been entirely applicable in the arcades here. Naturally, our favoured ride of choice is the XM-X1 (F97) Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai, as mecha with capes are just plain awesome.

Well, yeah, Crossbone Fullcloth is quite something, especially in that charged mode, however, it does cost 3000 and you really don’t want that if you’re not a very good player who can hold his own. So instead I opted for Red Frame Astray!
I don’t use the Full Cloth though, that’s the X-1 Kai Kai, I just use the standard X-1 Kai (basically the same as the X-1 plus a screw whip). I’m not a fan of most of the 3000 units either, bar the Hi-Nu. Not because they’re expensive but many of them are pretty unwieldly. The Crossbone units, by comparison, are superfly.
any advice gents to a new player when it comes to melee? I seem to get juggled online quite often by some cheap bastards.
You’ll get owned in melee if you don’t rainbow cancel your attacks. In that, don’t go for what looks like an obvious opening without cancelling out of it a few times. Otherwise you’re opponent will rainbow cancel on you and then juggle you into the sky. Have you S Ranked the Trial Missions yet?
I have and am now exploring online. What’s to stop players from spamming the rainbow dash at close range? A lot of times I find it’s better just to run away or jump really high rather than face off against someone in melee head to head. It’s just too fast/sloppy to be strategic.
It has as much to do with their boost gauge as well. Rainbow cancels, like regular cancels, cost boost. I tend to try landing a small ranged hit before starting melee to provide that few frames of vulnerability. If I am rushing into melee, it’s usually because I know they aren’t looking at me, or I’m baiting them.
Than again, my W/L record is a bit poor, so I’m probably not the best strategist.