News: Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost Announced for PlayStation 3
Posted on : 11-09-2013 | By : donkey show | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Looks like we’ll be finally getting the home version of Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost for the PS3 in 2014. Not much information has come out quite yet, but there have been a few tidbits that have caught the eye. Aside from mentioning there will be 20 new units on the way (meaning more than likely on top of the Gundam Extreme Versus roster), it looks like Bandai Namco is putting a bit more effort into the game’s online functionality. There will be 12 player lobbies, more matchmaking options via setting the rank or win percentage, and online Arcade mode co-op. There will also be a Premium G Sound Edition that includes 30 more tracks not included in the arcade version, including 5 original tracks. I’m sure we’ll hear more information during the Tokyo Game Show next week and update you as soon as possible!
Update: Over at Famitsu they have a bunch of nice new screenshots regarding the announcement.

Sounds great !! Especially the extra online functions would be great and an added value.
I’ve got Gundam Extreme VS ever since the PS3 release but I haven’t had that much time to play it (Story of my life..) so I kinda feel like I’ve gimped myself now that extreme VS is coming out soon for the PS3
2014 !! damn …I can’t wait to see snow white gundam
Been waiting for this, was starting to wonder if it would actually happen! I didn’t care for Gundam Vs Gundam Next Plus (I like the less fighter-y and more battlefield combat feeling of the older Vs games), but am willing to give the series another shot and with all the reasons to wait out of the way… count me in.
I hope the starting price is a bit less than 90$. That may be only wishful thinking though…
And I just finally bought the first game on PS3 recently… oh well, its still good news.