News: Gundam Breaker Release Date and Beta Version
Posted on : 14-03-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita
We now know that Gundam Breaker will be released on 27th June for a pretty standard sum of 7,890 yen (thus disproving the theories that this would be another freemium game). In addition, the beta version of the game is now available to download via (Japanese) PSN. It has a few levels and some initial customisation. Gameplay-wise it’s pretty close to the Gundam Musou games but with more restricted boosting and firing. Pretty standard arcade fare really. What’s especially interesting is that the game is directly connected to Gundam Perfect Games, a website that’s dedicated to Gundam related gaming. This means you can upload your kitbashed creations for all to see. This alone is a pretty nifty feature. It will be interesting see how Bamco treat this beta release, and whether anything useful in terms of balancing will come out of it.

I guess that makes this a demo. Wonder if it carries over…
So far it’s decent. I’m pretty sure that everything you get WILL be carrying over to the full version, cause if not, I’m collecting a whole lot of nothing!
It only has 5 levels thus far: The first 2 seem fairly easy, you’d only lose if you really don’t try; the last 3, however, require a little more skill, strategy, and Gunpla Building before you’ll beat them. Lv4 Boss turned out to be that Giant Gundam from the Trailer, and that was a fun battle! Lv5: TWO GIANT GUNDAMS! Up’s the difficulty quite a bit, but still very fun! There’s only a few things I’d personally have changed, but not enough to complain about.
In my opinion, it’s a very sterile game. Just doing what it says it’s doing… but not anything more than that. None of the menus even have music besides the customization one.