News: Ex-S Gundam confirmed for Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost
Posted on : 05-11-2013 | By : donkey show | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
After much speculation, the Ex-S Gundam from Gundam Sentinel will finally be coming to the PS3 version Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost as free first pressing DLC. Similar to how the Hi-Nu Gundam was a first pressing DLC unit for the home version of Gundam Extreme Versus, players who purchase the game within a certain time frame will get a special code in their copy to download the unit from the PSN. Players who download the game from PSN will more than likely get the code included in their download list, similar to how other games with similar incentives appear on the PSN download list when purchased. If you happen to not get a first pressing copy, don’t fret. If history repeats itself, the Ex-S Gundam DLC might eventually show up available as a free download in the upcoming months similar to how Hi-Nu Gundam DLC showed up as a free download with the first set of DLC packs for Gundam Extreme Versus. It will be interesting to see what kind of gameplay Ex-S Gundam will bring to the roster as it appears to be a transformable suit as well! Another neat update is that the Full Boost Mission Mode (which was originally called Trial Mode in the prequel) will be online enabled. So if you’re having trouble with a particular mission, you can bring along a PSN buddy for the ride. We will update you with more information on the unit and other DLC details as they come.

My dreams have come true. Gundam Vs. series for best (cross universe) gundam games? At this point it has become nearly indisputable!
I’ll never see my dream of a real or turn based strategy Gundam game on a console, will I?
Just ever wanted an updated version of the SD Gundam series on the Super Famicom.
Here, you can play this instead…
Not. Small. Enough :p
Uhm… well. PS2 had quite a few turn based strategies (From SD Gundam G Gen to Gihren’s Greed: War for Zeon Independence). And the PSP had a real time strategy that was really terrible.
Besides, it’s not like ExVs is a bad game. Even better now that it has one of my favorite Gundam type mobile suits.
Think you’re thinking PSP. And after the SNES the SD Gundam series became a SRW clone.
Actually… no. I’m not. War for Zeon Independence on the PS2 is a full 3D OYW game, with lots of strategy and politics to it, and fully animated cutscenes. And the SD Gundam G Gen games have G GEn wars and Spirits for the PS2 (Spirits being the best of the SRW clones IMO), also, G Gen NEO which I feel was a bit underrated (People hated it since it was different and not really an SRW clone.)
That Gihren’s Greed is probably the best one, IMO. It ditches Zeta onward and only focuses on the OYW, but the game has a deep political system compared to the others, with things like espionage, agreements, company loyalties, etc into play. It also has many MSV and alternate MS (Like if you choose to mass produce the GYan as Zeon rather than the Gelgoog.)
Here are some of my own screenshots. Basically though, for Gundam Strategy games, I consider it one of the best, if not the best. Blows the SD Gundam G Gen games out of the water IMO. If you want a deeper strategy game that is more along the lines of Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Nobunaga’s Ambition (Actually, GIhren’s Ambition is an alternate title for the series), then this game is probably for you.
But yes. Ignore the other GIhren’s greeds for PS2. Both are remakes/ports of games. THe later one is literally just the PSP version of Axis no Kyoui but ported to PS2, and that one is one of the weakest Gihren’s Greeds, besides the original, it guts a lot of the politics and fully animated cutscenes, and over simplifies the game to the point where the strategy element feels minimal compared to the PS1 and PS2 games.
Sorry if I went on a ramble but I know my Gundam games =P From the shittiest and obscure (Like the Wonderswan Color games) to the best, and I’ve probably played through all of them no matter how painful.
Can someone tell me what the release date is? I want in..
January next year and you can pre-order it here –