News: Armored Core V Site Update
Posted on : 07-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
After all the hubbub of last week over the re-announced Armored Core V, the official site has been suitably renovated. Whilst the site shows the same trailer and set of screenshots revealed last week, it does cast some interesting light on a few other things. For one, on load the site offers an English language option; something that never happened with any of the previous games. This is a massive shift for the series, as it shows that right up front that both From Software and Bandai Namco are pitching this worldwide from the off. The other elements that are worth noting, bar the blog and Twitter feed, is that the coupon campaign (via the rather dire Armored Core Last Raven Portable) is still valid. So for those that bought the Japanese version of the game, the coupon still applies. This means that a week prior to the game’s release you will start receiving DLC codes for exclusive parts.
Still no word on a concrete release date but both GameWatch and 4Gamer have joined the PR fray this week, so now that the cat is out of the bag expect more regular updates.
Update: In line with the obvious global focus for ACV’s PR, there’s now an official Facebook page for the game. Apart from the screenshots, there are some lovely scans of the new AC designs too.

I too found it odd that they had an English option when I visited the site a few days ago.Could it be that they’re actually trying to market the game for once?
This is something that is often misunderstood; historically From Software was only the publisher of AC in Japan. For the Western releases they paired up with a separate publisher. The latter is where all the issues stem from in terms of the series’ marketing, as it wasn’t their property and none of them got what it was anyway.
This time Bandai Namco are co-publishing the game in Japan and handling the Western release. What’s more they are a Japanese publisher that can potentially “get” what AC is all about, especially if the decision making is happening in Japan. I’m hopeful that the combination will finally result in something good for ACV.
Yeah, Agetec continuously dropped the ball when it came to the PS2 era AC games, Ubisoft actually made a nice attempt (but I don’t like what they did to the US box art).Bamco might be able to do some good this time around.I hope they release some actually gameplay soon.
I will admit, I hope the LRp coupon thing isn’t for truly exclusive parts. Free DLC parts would be fine, but considering the LRp coupon deal wasn’t even available in the US, it would stink if they get some really cool parts that most of us didn’t even get an opportunity to snag.
Well, at least they did a better box art than SEGA’s. That was the real crap.
Griffon, well, if FROM is following what was said on the interview, they’re not interested on delivering paid DLCs to make someones more powerfull than others. So, I’m not too scared about that.
Yeah,AC4’s cover was just shameful.
That’s true, I did read that. I just don’t want to end up thinking “Oh man, that’s a really cool-looking head” or “Wow, I really like how that cannon works” and finding out it’s/they’re exclusive to a deal the US never got.
Regarding the above image: Is it possible that I have a unique sort of colorblindness that makes it so I can’t discern very subtle differences in shades of brown and grey (which would explain why I never liked AC) or can you people actually tell WTF that’s a picture of?
I can tell pretty easily, yeah. But I blame that on staring at and scrutinizing the old screenshots they released a year ago. If I saw that image having no knowledge of what I was looking at, it would be pretty difficult to discern what’s what.
Now that you’ve mentioned it, the colors do sort of make the differences in depth harder to see.
I can’t think of the name of the article, but there was an amazing Gamasutra feature where someone in the game industry claimed the current generation of games using a palette of shades of brown and grey was due to light reflections looking more “natural” for muted colors. Essentially, with the shift forward of the next-gen consoles, the power to do reflections and real-time lighting was there, but vibrant colors still didn’t look correct–and that’s supposedly why everything is currently made out of either mud or pale yellow glow.
I had to adjust my TV settings to get Armored Core 4 to even be visible, and the mission I never beat on Hard (the one with the flying “mobile weapons”) just felt impossible because it was too dark and I simply couldn’t tell what was going on. But people expect a high standard for graphics, even if that interferes with the gameplay, so it needs to look like that in order to compete in the marketplace. And, in From’s defense, they did a good job of making the look work well in AC:FA–the game was set on a dying Earth, poisoned by pollution, neglect, and radiation, and the mud-and-glow color palette brought that setting to life.
Darkness was the whole point of that mission.Try using a mid-weight core with dual moonlight blades,that did the trick for me.
Oh, definitely, I know the mission is supposed to be very dark. The problem is more my eyes and my game playing environment. Start up a game with lots of dark places with no lights but just your TV or monitor on, adjust the gamma until you can just barely see what’s going on in the game, and then turns the lights on in your room. If the lights are bright enough, those gamma settings you just put in are useless, and you can’t see a thing again.
My TV has two windows with either sun or streetlights shining into them, so I never get a completely dark room, and my eyes can’t adjust to the near total black of that particular mission.
If I remember correctly, I think I actually tried using flares to light up that mission, but it seems those flares aren’t very good at providing a light source (although I do believe they helped me dodge the missiles!).
In the foreground is an AC, in the near background are two helicopters delivering more AC’s.
In the far background there are yet more heli’s, but I’d need to grab the enlarged version of that image for more details.
For me, I have more trouble figuring out which parts are the Right Arm, Left Arm, and Core parts of the AC in the foreground. All the brown and brass just blends together into one object for my eyes.
I usually paint my right arm Red in AC games, as a reference to the Red Shoulders in Votoms, so at least my opponents won’t have to worry about getting confused when they utterly dominate me.
Four new pics at the official site 😀
It’s on the Facebook page too. One shot shows clearly that at least some of the game will be set in New York.
Those pics have been up for a awhile but not on the main site.I thought that was the Empire Sate Building in the background.