News: 2nd Super Robot Wars OG Top of the Japanese Charts
Posted on : 05-12-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Since 2nd Super Robot Wars OG was released on the 29th November, barely a week ago, it has racked up 217,000 units sold in Japan and in doing so taken the top spot in the charts. That’s pretty damn good going really. Whilst our copy is still in the post, it’s clear that fans have been waiting for their first real PS3 Super Robot Wars game for a good while. In addition to the chart news, there are a slew of new screenshots available too. Naturally, once our copy finally arrives a review will be forthcoming. In the meantime, you can buy your copy here.

RT @mechadamashii: News: 2nd Super Robot Wars OG Top of the Japanese Charts:
RT @mechadamashii: News: 2nd Super Robot Wars OG Top of the Japanese Charts:
@mechadamashii watching someone stream this game, it’s pretty funny looking.
I don’t see this as “first real PS3 Super Robot Wars game” since its OG, but yes, it has been a long-ass time. Maybe we’ll get the first real, non-OG, PS3 Super Robot Wars game by next Xmas. I want whatever that ends up being SO BAD.